The wall of separation between church and state protects us all
Americans United
Americans United for Separation of Church and State is an organization dedicated to keeping religion out of government and government out of religion. By offering legal assistance, lobbying lawmakers and organizing coalitions of similarly-minded individuals, Americans United challenges the government at times when it attempts to blur the line between the two. AU believes keeping these institutions separate ensures a fairer society for all Americans and it works to prevent religious ideology from dictating public policy or justifying discrimination.
Washington, DC / Video, Campaigns & Photo
Creative Strategy
Took a rather straightforward look at what Americans United does, who it represents and the issues it tackles. In an effort to get others involved but also let individuals know where to get help if necessary, we focused our campaigns on the diverse range of faiths and individuals in America; highlighted lawsuits AU has undertaken as well as ones which have been decided on the basis of religion; and explored what could be at stake for the country if the wall between church and state continues to crumble.
To capture campaigns in action, our team spent months shadowing staff and volunteers at Americans United, including lawyers, lobbyists, activists, religious leaders and other impassioned Americans. These photos were used on social, online and for promotional purposes.
Films & Digital Campaigns
Initially coming on board as Americans United was challenging the Muslim ban, our work quickly expanded to other AU issues, including Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court and subsequent congressional hearings. Ahead of his Senate confirmation vote, we posted online videos detailing Kavanaugh’s views on the role of religion in government and examples of how the separation of the two has been continuously breached. This was part of a push to get voters to call their senators and ask them to vote against Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
After spending so much time documenting the various campaigns of Americans United, we were able to use footage of speeches and rallies to create what became AU’s introductory “Who Are We” video.